Thursday, 3 April 2014

Much Knowledge, Very Guitar, So Music, Wow

                One thing that has become very clear to me recently is the importance of having someone who has a lot of knowledge of what you're learning and knows what  they are talking about. Whether it's an instrument or really anything else. I had this realization when I was attempting to figure out a song on my own as I was practicing at home. It had a new chord, a B minor, but it showed me right on the website that I was on how to do that chord so I thought "Perfect! No problem. Who needs Daniel when you've got the internet."
                It wasn't until my next session with Daniel when I realized how untrue that was. I told him that I was having trouble doing B minor because it's tough to get my fingers to hold down the right strings. As I tried to show him he said "Well I know your problem. That's not B minor. That's not even a chord." I tried to protest saying that was what the internet said and he just shook his head and said "You can't believe the internet. The internet lies."
                So he showed me the right way to do B minor and while it was still hard to do, I realized that Daniel was a much better resource than the internet. I need someone who has real knowledge and experience to teach me and answer my questions if I really want to be a good guitar player. And there's always more to learn. Daniel was able to give pointers to a few different people on I.C.E who had been playing a lot longer than me. Some had even learnt lies from the internet just like me. Luckily Daniel was there to correct them and even luckier, he'll always be there to correct me. His knowledge and natural musical talent will be very crucial in the success of my passion project.  


  1. Brianna,
    I love your style of writing! It's so down to earth and easy to read.
    It seems like you're learning a lot. It sure sounds like it when I hear you practice!
    Good job!

  2. Hey Brianna it sounds like your getting things figured out. And i know what your talking about needing a mentor since my dad has moved i have found it more difficult to first find things to fix and then fix them. Besides the whole Daniel is better then the internet thing what other struggles are u having? Just saying you don't have respond but i would appreciate it
    Thanks Mathieu Boulet

    1. Yeah that would be tough Mathieu. Maybe you could find a new mentor?
      As for other struggles I would say just finding time to practice in my busy schedule and even when I do have time, actually getting of my but and putting in the effort of practising.

  3. I have really enjoyed getting to know your project better through reading your blog, Brianna! I love how you are able to have a fantastic mentor like Daniel to help you through the struggles you face throughout your project. I can relate to the mistakes you have made because I also decided one day I wanted to learn guitar with no previous knowledge. Unfortunately I was not able to utilize a mentor like you have, which makes for a longer learning process but I think it is still possible. Have you learned any Taylor Swift songs yet? She is my favorite artist when it comes to learning songs on my own. I look forward to hearing about your future success!

    1. Thanks Ashley! Glad to hear you're enjoying reading my blog! I haven't had the chance to learn any Taylor Swift songs, as I am kind of at a standstill until I get a capo. Once I do that (hopefully this weekend) I will have the opportunity to learn many more songs!

  4. Technology can be a powerful tool, but it certainly won't replace relationships. Your post clearly shows the value of relationship and personalized learning/instruction. It also highlights the importance of source evaluation.

    Thank you for sharing your experience and reflections, Brianna; it helps us all learn.
